La revue P.A.R.I.S.S.

Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences (PARISS)


Over the last few decades, the Anglophone market has come to privilege a particular canon of scholarship and writing style, particular conventions of academic discourse. Political, Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences (P.A.R.I.S.S.) aims to encourage scholars to write across disciplines, academic cultures and writing styles in order to open up orthodox conventions based on assumptions about what proper scholarship should do. Similar to questions of nature that cannot be neatly separated into categories of chemistry, biology or physics, we believe that the social sciences require transversal sites for thought and practice. P.A.R.I.S.S. is such a site. Our journal constitutes a step towards transversality and de-disciplinarization, bringing together multiple disciplines in an effort to transcend them, asking questions that are based on the social – not on disciplinary – framings and countering the orthodoxy of style that has made responses lethargic. This journal seeks to (re)invigorate the Anglophone market and to introduce academic cultures of thought and writing that are at best marginalized, and more commonly rendered invisible, at present. Particularly, the journal encourages articles that are produced by a collective, whether a collective of intellectuals independently choosing to collaborate or a laboratory of social sciences, engaging in transversal thought. P.A.R.I.S.S. is the premier outlet for the social sciences to publish innovative transversal research.

Presentation of the journal on Brill Publishers’ website


Read the interview of the four coeditors, Tugba Basaran, Monique J. Beerli, Didier Bigo, and Emma Mc Cluskey who answer our questions about the journal and its aims.

Call for manuscripts
The editors welcome individually authored or co-authored articles (up to 3 authors; approximately 7,000-11,000 words including footnotes) and collectively authored articles (3+ authors; 10,000-25,000 words including footnotes), as well as book reviews, interviews, commentaries, and shorter articles focused on research methodologies (all up to 5,000 words).

Submitting an Article
Articles for publication in Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences (PARISS) can be submitted either by emailing the PARISS Editorial Office directly or online through Editorial Manager.

To submit an article, click here.
For editorial queries and proposals, please contact the PARISS Editorial Office.
Find the journal on Brill.