The law enforcement challenges of cybercrime: are we really playing catch-up?

This study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee. With a number of high-profile criminal cases, such as ‘Silk Road’, cybercrime has been very much in the spotlight in recent years, both in Europe and elsewhere. While this study shows that […]

A quest for accountability? EU and Member State inquiries into the CIA Rendition and Secret Detention Programme

At the request of the LIBE Committee, this study assesses the extent to which EU Member States have delivered accountability for their complicity in the US CIA-led extraordinary rendition and secret detention programme and its serious human rights violations. It offers a scoreboard of political inquiries and judicial investigations in supranational and national arenas in […]

National Programmes for Mass Surveillance of Personal Data in EU Member States and Their Compatibility with EU Law

Evaluating Current and Forthcoming Proposals on JHA Databases and a Smart Borders System at EU External Borders

This study examines current and forthcoming measures related to the exchange of data and information in EU JHA policies, with a focus on the ‘smart borders’ initiative. It argues that there is no reversibility in the growing reliance on such schemes and asks whether current and forthcoming proposals are necessary and original. The study outlines […]

Towards a New EU Legal Framework for Data Protection and Privacy. Challenges, Principles and the Role of the European Parliament

Interdependence of the Various Initiatives and Legislative Proposals in the Fields of Counter-Terrorism and Police Cooperation at the European Level

Police Co-Operation: What are the Main Obstacles to Police Cooperation in the EU?

Quelle place pour la Gendarmerie au sein de l’espace judiciaire européen ? Internationalisation de la criminalité et coopération entre les différents acteurs de la police judiciaire, français et étrangers