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Our research is focused on social transformations, the manner in which insecurities and fears are constructed, as well as practices of security management.

CCLS is involved in a number of research programs funded by the European Union:



•  INEX: Converging and conflicting values in the internal/external security continuum in Europe (2008-2011)

A three-year project funded through the EU Framework Programme 7 (FP7), INEX was a collaborative initiative partnering nine universities and academic research centres.

The INEX project focused on the analysis of the ethical considerations at stake and the overall effects of the European Union’s security policies, namely concerning its external relations with neighbouring countries. In terms of the ethical implications, CCLS worked specifically on the consequences of using security technologies, with an emphasis on the control and surveillance of borders alongside the movement of individuals.



•  EU-CANADA : The Changing Landscape of Justice and Home Affairs Cooperation in the European Union and EU-Canada Relations (2007-2009)

Financed by the European Commission in partnership with the Canadian government, the EU-Canada research programme united five European and Canadian partners (CCLS, University of Montreal, University of Victoria, University of Toronto, Centre for European Policy Studies).

This project had two primary objectives: 1) to construct a multidisciplinary analysis of the Justice and Home Affairs in Europe with respect to European-Canadian relations; and 2) to provide a constructive debate in EU-Canada relationship. These two intentions led to a series of publications in addition to the organization of a round-table conference at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association:

Scherrer A., Guittet E-P., Bigo D. (Eds), Mobilités sous surveillance. Perspectives croisées EU-Canada, Montréal, Athéna Editions, 2009.

Mark Salter (Ed.), Mapping Transatlantic Security Relations: The EU, Canada,
and the War on Terror
, London, Routledge, 2010.



•  CHALLENGE : The Changing Landscape of European Liberty and Security (2002-2007)

A five-year project funded through the EU Framework Programme 6 (FP6), CHALLENGE was a collaborative initiative partnering a total of 23 universities. The aim of this project was to provide a critical analysis of issues related to liberty, security, and social cohesion within the European Union.

A number of researchers from CCLS were directly associated with this project. Our researchers notably worked to help create an observatory reporting on civil liberties in Europe: European Observatory on Liberty and Security.
The findings of this research project were published in the Cultures & Conflits journal, as well as in the Collection Cultures & Conflits published by L’Harmattan.



•  ELISE : European Liberty and Security (2002-2004)

A three-year project funded by the EU Framework Programme 5 (FP5), ELISE was a collaborative initiative partnering seven European academic centres. This research endeavour was particularly interested in analysing exceptional politics and their effects on social cohesion. Furthermore, this project facilitated a reflection security policies concerned with preserving the balance between danger, security, and civil liberties.

To present the findings of this project, an ELISE CD-ROM was produced. Additionally, some of the works related to this research were published in the Cultures & Conflits journal (Issues 56, 58, and 61), as well as in the first publication of the Collection Cultures & Conflits published by L’Harmattan (Illiberal Practices of Liberal Regime : The (In)security Games).


CCLS has also produced a number of studies for the European Parliament, related to the following themes: